Tel/Fax: (+39) 0831 990924 - Cell: (+39) 327 3830313


"30 40" Construction Company makes the house of your dreams "workmanlike"!

Planning - Rendering - Cadastral and Topographic Practices

Our technical department works with particular attention to energy conservation and sustainability and is structured to cure every necessary aspect for the realization of any type of construction work, whether  for new construction, renovations or simple maintenance.
We realize rendering for exteriors and interiors, and the realism of the render will give your project the visual impact it deserves!

Execution - Restructuring - Demolition - Construction Management – Technical Control

The construction management employs year-experienced highly qualified personnel who work with advanced equipment and has a large fleet of machines at their disposal; that is why we can guarantee our customers a quality construction, well-executed from every point of view  in a very short time!

All this also involves  any type of certificate and advanced system that the customer can require:
Electrical systems - Air conditioning systems - Heat and Hydraulic System - Gas Distribution Equipment - Water systems - Sanitary Systems – Exhaust System – Fixtures and Frames

Not-dangerous inert waste collection-centre; transport and recovery

"30 40", paying great attention to the environment and sustainability, have established a centre of not-dangerous inert materials to be recovered, authorized by the Province of Brindisi, where inert waste can be delivered.

7.1 101311-170101-170102-170103-170107-170802-170904-200301 R13-R5
7.2 010399-010408-010410 R13-R5
7.6 170302 R13-R5
7.31 bis 170504 R13-R5


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Therefore we have got special lorries  to transport these kinds of waste for recovery to the collection  centre where they are shuttered and then recycled according to national regulations.

Sale Centre of filling material for construction and relative Transport

The crushing plant allows to obtain various pieces of material that we allocate to the resale such as: crushed stone, fine sand, coarse sand etc, which we can carry with suitable means.



About Us

Leader to the sale of properties and villas in Puglia. We can build your house as you want.

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For general information about the property for sale in Puglia, please contact us at:
  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
   (+39) 0831 990924
   (+39) 368 7168364 Salvatore
   (+39) 392 3768645 Davide
   (+39) 327 3830313 Office
  (+39) 0831 990924
  C.da Polinisso s.n. - 72012 Carovigno - Brindisi (Italy)